
General Information

Full Name Feiran (Alex) Qin
Contact fqin at ncsu dot edu


  • 2023-now
    PhD in Computer Science
    North Carolina State University
  • 2022-2023
    LAS-ShanghaiTech Incoming Program
    University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  • 2019-2023
    B.Eng in Computer Science and Engineering
    ShanghaiTech University


  • 2022
    Research Intern
    University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, advised by Prof.Tianyin Xu
  • 2022-2023
    Research Intern
    ShanghaiTech University, advised by Prof.Zhice Yang and Prof.Shu Yin
  • 2021-2022
    Software Engineering Intern
    Deemos Technologies Inc

Teaching Experience

  • 2023
    Teaching Assitant @ NCSU
    • CSC236 - Computer Organization and Assembly Language for Computer Scientists


  • 2023
    • OSDI'24 (AR PC), ATC'24 (AR PC)
    • OSDI'23 (AE PC), ATC'23 (AE PC)
    • SOSP'23 (AE PC)

Honors and Awards

  • 2022
    • 4st Place in ISC22 Student Cluster Competition
  • 2020
    • 2st Place in Intel Hackthon, Beijing
